Monday, January 27, 2020
The International Marketing Strategies Of Companies Marketing Essay
The International Marketing Strategies Of Companies Marketing Essay It is not too long ago when people from one part of the world did not know the existence of others. Peoples desire to share knowledge and explore the whole world led to some major exploration likes Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus, who made the connection between Europe and America. Before this period, people had no scope to know about knowledge or innovations of others. It was the 16th century A.D. that brought Patagonian Indians to America. During the 17th century Europeans discovered Australia and by that time the whole world was recognized and was ready for contact and trade activity. This can be considered to be the earliest recorded history of the beginning of a new era called globalization. (Daniels et al. ,2002). Although the idea of globalization and its relation to the business world is not too old and it is only in the last two decades that the current trend of globalization has brought a dramatic change to the business world (Thoumrungroje Tansuhaj, 2004). In the book, Globalisation in world business, the author A. G. Hopkins said globalization is not simply a western experience. The key is to understand the globalizing processes which include ancient and modern as well as western and eastern dimensions. The representative of globalisation could be anywhere starting from spiritual leaders and their beliefs to crowned heads and their royal family; travelling soldiers and scholars or even traders or general community people (Bell, 2003). However, Globalization has been defined by Jane Fraser and Jeremy Oppenheim (1997), in the simplest terms, as a process by which the worlds economy is transformed from a set of national and regional markets into a set of markets that operate without regard to national boundaries. WHAT DRIVES IT? In mid 1980s, after facing some fast changes in cold war, East world-West world relation became almost friendly. In addition, after the fall of Soviet Union, lot of emerging markets appeared in the context of world market, with an aspiration to enhance their living standard. In 1990s West German and East Germany re-merged and appeared as a potential industrialist country in world market. Many Eastern Europe countries and transition economies countries joined in European Union. China and India started exporting goods and services to large regions of the globe, particularly to the United States. The powerful economic growth of countries, resulted in enlarged local demands, leading to divergence between provinces, discriminations in income, anxieties about employment, and increases in energy prices (Czinkota and Samli, 2007). The USA market took the leadership role in this current trend of globalization. Factors like decentralization, privatization, deregulation as well as the growth of cyberspace made the globalization process faster. Through decentralization, new trading markets and trading blocs have emerged around the world. The companies are able to produce, buy or sell goods anywhere in the world and meet the local and regional needs. On the other hand, deregulation removed the trade barriers and helped to form NAFTA, LAFTA and World Trade Organization. Also, non government organization became involved in globalization through the process of privatization. Countries like India and China became more involved in global trade due cyberspace and technological improvement (Czinkota and Samli, 2007). Many authors and scholars have talked about many characteristics of globalization around the world. But factors like fast technological progress, the deteriorating role of the nation state, transfer of industrial production from western countries to newly industrialising countries for cheap labour and material are key drivers of globalization (Brown, 1999). THE EFFECT OF GLOBALISATION The effects of globalization are spreading widely day by day. All the major industries and business of both developed and developing countries, along with individuals, are affected by globalization. (Garrette, 2000). The current business environment is more aggressive and competitive and can be characterised as hypercompetitive environment (DAveni, 1994). As markets are becoming more global day by day, the trade involves more countries and economies around the world. World merchandise trade was $157 billion in 1963 and it has become $10,159 in 2005 which is a significant increase of $10 trillion. Also, service trade which used to be $365 billion in 1980 has increased to $2,415 billion (Held Mcgrew, 2007). The effect of globalization brought dramatic changes in the business environment and companies are restructuring their business due to this reason (Jones, 2002). One of the most strategical change and significant business development in the recent years, is the formation of co-marketing alliances (Hwang and Burgers, 1997). Globalization does not always bring good outcome to all people. It has badly affected the job sector of the developed countries, where jobs of manufacturing sector has decreased. As production plants have moved to the low cost producers and unavailability of alternative employment, many are still unemployed. Other issues for developed countries include the debt obligations to international bank. The amount has increased to $1 trillion which has an adverse impact on their economy. The privatisation sector, deregulation and currency adjustment has been affected due to this reason (Roukis, 2006). Globalization has consequences on our culture as well. The globalization of culture also affects cities. As people around the world exchange cultural symbols, they tend to forget their own cultures and identity. The exchange of cultural symbols has increased dramatically in the recent decade due to the availability of communication technologies. (Nijman,1999). Globalization also caused the remarkable increase in inequality between rich and poor countries. Also, globalization is related with globally organized crime, ethnic clash, environmental disaster, and the collapse of many states and the emergence of others, terrorism, militarism, proper democratic system as a political condition for international aid, the rise of civil wars etc. (Santos, 2006). On the other hand, Held Mcgrew (2007) suggests that economic globalization could encourage economic development as well as it could be the only successful path to global poverty reduction. During 1970, there were more than 1400 million people who used to earn less than $2 a day and during 1998, this figure came down to less than 1000 million. WHAT IS MARKETING STRATEGY? According to Varadarajan Clark (1994), Marketing strategy is concerned with the creation of a marketing mix that enables the business to achieve its objectives in a target market. Marketing strategy is the main and most important principle that a firm uses to organize and allocate its resources for generating profit from customers, who are an integrate part of the market (Kim, 2004). Aaker (2009 cited by Kyung Hoon Kim et al., 2012) notes that marketing strategy can involve a variety of functional area strategies including positioning, pricing, distribution, and global strategies. The overriding principle driving a firms marketing strategy is that, marketing strategy depends on the companys vision for its future. This vision generally reflects where the firm expects to position itself in five to ten years-in effect, how the market perceives the firm. The development of a marketing strategy needs a basic assessment of both the firm and the market. The strategy, chosen, has to be the best at increasing the firms assets, with respect to the target market (Kyung Hoon Kim et al., 2012) Also, the key task of international marketing management is to establish a companys overall international strategy which also decides the degree of international integration of the company (Ghauri Cateora, 2006). INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND GLOBAL MARKETING Global marketing or globalization of markets is a key issue for multinational business firms. Many companies who markets global products around the world such as Nestle, Sony, Toyota and many others has to carefully look for opportunities in the international markets. Globalization of markets is a challenging issue for governments and political party or trade unions while business related people or organizations encourage the initiative of open trade which connects different markets by going beyond the national boundary. According to Solberg (1997), cited by Hollensen (1998), the following table explains nine strategic windows which are major motives for firms to internationalise. At immature stage, where firms have little experience, it is better not to go for international markets. Instead they should strength their position in the home market. Also, if firms find themselves smaller and weaker among other multinational firms in the global market, then Solberg (1997) suggests that the firms should try to increase its net assets by attracting potential partners for a future by-out bid. This could be a good option for small and medium size enterprises who are supplying advanced high-tech components to large industrial buyers. Firms also can overcome their competitive disadvantages by going into alliances with other firms. Preparedness for internationalization Mature 3.Go into new business 6. Prepare for globalization 9. Strengthen your global position Adolescent 2.Consolidate your expert markets 5. Consider expansion in international markets 8. Seek global alliances Immature 1. Stay at home 4. Seek niches in international markets 7. Prepare for a buy-out Local Potentially global Global Industry globalism Table. The nine strategic windows , Source: opted from Solberg (1997), cited by Hollensen (1998). The technological advancement of the 21st century has been a key factor behind global marketing. The exchange of information has become easy and transport has become more cheap and comfortable. Consumers around the world wants new and innovative product even if they are being made in the other part of the world because technology makes them aware about the existence of that new product. Business firms accept this commercial reality and as result enjoy greater economies of scale in production or marketing or distribution. As a result, the globalization of business helps them to offer products at a cheaper rate and thus gain a competitive advantage among its competitors (Buzzel et al.,1995). Although global marketing strategy and globalization of markets are two interrelated areas but there is a little difference between them. Global marketing strategy is needed in order to improve the efficiency of operations while globalization of markets is occurring due to the homogeneity of demand across cultures (Ghauri cateora, 2006). Due to the raise in globalization of markets day by day companies find they are inevitably surrounded by foreign consumers as well as their competitors and suppliers. On the other hand, different countries have to admit the limitation of their own assets and the advantage of trade activities outside their own boundaries. Thus engaging in international business for both firms and countries are very much essential. According to Ghauri and Cateora (2006), the following factors play an important role in shaping of international business. Each country or economy is dependent to other economies. The formulation of free trade areas such as ASEAN, EU, APEC and NAFTA and the expansion of business activities in those areas. Countries having greater purchasing power due to their improving economy The arrival of new and potential markets with a large number of customers such as countries like India, China, Russia, Brazil, Malaysia etc. Technological advancement has been the key factor behind the improvement of transportation and communication. In order to engage in international business, companies need to have proper international marketing strategies. As international markets bring new opportunities and threats, appropriate strategies could help them to overcome possible difficulties in the international markets. Also, international companies need to respond to customer needs and wants by adapting existing product or by bringing new product to the market. (Bradley, 2002). International marketing exists all around us due to the globalization and provides new opportunities and challenges for marketers around the world. (Czinkota and Samli, 2007). EFFECT OF GLOBALISATION ON COMPANIES MARKETING STRATEGIES According to Czinkota Samli (2007), Globalization enables international marketing to take place all around us, and to continuously offer new opportunities and challenges. Successful economies are always driven by customer needs and wants. The bureaucratic plans do not play an important role there. On the other hand, a firm must have a strategic response to the challenges of global market. Companies which are expanding their business in domestic market need to choose an appropriate strategy suitable to their situation. Since a global company is involved in many countries economy, it brings the idea of standardizing the marketing activities. The recent trend in globalization encourages the companies as well as countries to engage more in world trade activities. World exports were three times higher in 1998 than 1950; according to a WTO estimate, in 2001 this ratio was 29 per cent and in 2005 it was 27 per cent comparing to 12.5 per cent in 1970 and 17 per cent in 1990. In spite of 11 September attack in the USA the world economy is still achieving a rapid growth (Held Mcgrew, 2007). Also, Czinkota and Samli (2007) suggest that the base of globalization has two dimensions. The first one deal with deregulation, decentralization, the development of electronic data transfer and the other is characterised by capital flow, information and technological development. These features accelerate globalization, which enable companies to engage in international trade activity. Thus globalization provides a powerful foundation for international marketing to make progress. CO-MARKETING ALLIANCES According to Hewang and Burgers (1997, cited by Thoumrungroje and Tansuhaj, 2004), one of the recent trends to overcome the globalization effects has been the formation of marketing alliances. As companies around the world are restructuring their business to meet the global threats co-marketing alliances can bring greater success in the international marketing performances. In simple words, Anderson and Narus (1990, cited by Louis P. Bucklin Sanjit Sengupta, 1993) defines Co-marketing alliances as a form of working partnership with mutual recognition and understanding that the success of each firm depends in part on the other firm. Its a contractual relationship between the two firms, whose respective products acts as complimentary products, in the market. The purpose of such relationship is to intensify and/or build awareness, about benefits of such complementarities. The co-ordination between firms can be extended into product development, product and even research development. Also, according to Hoskisson et al. (2004, cited by Thoumrungroje and Tansuhaj, 2004), co-marketing alliances are a particular type of strategic alliance which is a business level competitive strategy. The primary focus of such alliance is to create a competitive advantage in the international market. It is also called horizontal complementary strategic alliance. The main objective of such alliance formation is to maximize the companies profit by utilizing their resources and capabilities. Co-marketing alliances also helps firms to gain better market position through increasing sales and market share. The following figure explains the relationship between co-marketing alliance, globalization effects and international marketing performance. Global Competitive environment Global Market Uncertainty Cooperation in Co-Marketing Alliance International Marketing Performance Global Market Opportunities Figure1.4 Conceptual relationship of globalization effects, cooperation and performance. Source. Adapted from (Thoumrungroje and Tansuhaj ,2004). Thoumrungroje and Tansuhaj (2004) suggest there are two kinds of globalization effects. They are global market opportunities and global market threats. Global market opportunities encourage the mergers of different firms, by combining their resources; from which, more powerful and larger group can emerge. Such groups are capable of providing a complete range of new product and services and thus gain the customer preferences. In United States, Citigroup and Travellers Group have merged together and have become one of the most successful financial service providers in the world. Also, powerful companies like General motor is attacking different sector by offering credit cards.(Doole Lowe, 1999) On the other hand, Thoumrungroje and Tansuhaj (2004) also suggest global market threat could be classified into two categories. It is consists of global market uncertainty as well as the intensity and the level of competition. Global market threats are increasing due to, the easy access opportunity in the international markets. However, Co-marketing alliance does have significant management challenges, in spite of its potential contribution. There are chances of disagreement between partners, as they often tend to compete with each other in terms of product lines and occasionally, even those covered by co-marketing agreement. In fact, there is a high possibility of opportunism as one of the partners may use the other to gain market position only; or may be to build technological skills from the knowledge of the others intellectual property. (Louis P. Bucklin Sanjit Sengupta, 1993) STANDARDISATION VERSUS ADAPTATION Its been a long time, since the two opposing international marketing strategies have been debated upon standardisation versus adaptation of products. Standardization means selling essentially the same product in all markets. The advantage of standardisation is low costs, as designing, manufacturing and distributing same product across countries involves less of investment. However, selling identical products across borders may be undesirable due to differences in the legal environments, distribution channels, climates, topography, levels of market and technological development, and competitive and cultural factors. As customers of different countries have different requirements, a standardised product might not be able to satisfy all customers. (Roger J. Calantone et al. 2004) On the other hand, product adaptation refers to the degree to which the physical characteristics or attributes of a product and its packaging differs across national markets (Cavusgil et al., 1993 cited by Roger J. Calantone et al. 2004). Though customising products for different markets increases cost, the adapted products are more likely to fit the needs of the varied range of customers of different countries and become more acceptable; but would command higher margins, generating greater revenues. For example, Procter Gambles (PG) Oil of Olay skin moisturizer has different type of product in different countries, based on research of the need of customers in those countries; instead of just changing the language on the bottle of the same product. Doole and Lowe (1999) suggests within the elements of marketing management products or service image or marketing objective and strategies can be standardised easily than pricing or distribution. Pricing Differentiation Distribution Sales force Sales promotion Product Image Objective strategy Standardisation A firm taking a global approach means they are standardising their marketing activities to some extent and the firms who have multi-domestic approach means they adopt totally different policy for every single market. In one of the important studies on this topic, Cavusgil et al. (1993) concluded that it is difficult to make blanket statements about suitable standardization/adaptation strategy without an examination of (these factors). The preferable option for firms is to take such a strategy which is a mixture of standardisation as well as adaptation of the different elements of marketing management programmes. Most companies around the world globalise some elements of the marketing mix while localising others and they use a combination of multi-domestic, global or regional, and transitional strategies. Many international firms find it difficult to optimally balance standardizing and adapting their marketing, specifically the marketing strategies, across national borders, in order to be successful. Also, in the process of internationalisation, firms need to find the correct approach towards globalisation, regionalisation and localisation of business activities, in general, along with finding a way to transfer the approach to their marketing strategies level (Stefan Schmid and Thomas Kotulla, 2011).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Masterââ¬â¢s Prepared Nurse Interview Essay
This paper is about an interview of a masterââ¬â¢s prepared nurse who is in the position of an Assistant Director of nursing. The theme of the interview is concerned in showing how a graduate of a Master in science in nursing would be able to prepare a nurse in assuming a bigger role in the nursing practice, administration or education (Master of Science in Nursing, 2013). This opportunity gives the individual many different opportunities for growth and sets a room for career advancement. In this interview, I made the choice of interviewing B.A, who is a fellow instructor. Although I know that she is qualified for the position, I am also interested on how she rose from the ranks, and how she values education as one of the tools of achieving her dreams. Overview of Career B.A. began her career immediately after she graduated as a medical assistant in 1991. Between 1991 and 1993, she worked at a surgical group practice clinic. Much of her clinical experience was gained when assessing patients, assisting physicians, taking vital signs, and performing injections. In 1993, she became a certified assistant nurse after she continued with her education. She then worked at a Convalescent Home between 1993 and 1996, where she coordinated care with nurses in regard to the physical needs of her clients and hence reinforcing the desire of learning more in order to render better services (Summary Report for: Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary, 2013). B.A later pursued a Licensed Vocational Nurse program and graduated in 1996. From 1996 to 2000, she worked as an LVN, where she refined her technical skills on intravenous therapy,à medication pass, catheterizations and irrigations, and also patientââ¬â¢s safety and support implementations (Master of Science in Nursing, 2013). Later, she went back in school and was awarded an associate degree in nursing. B.A was then promoted to Clinical Nurse II between 2000 and 2004 at the hospital she worked for. She also became the nurse supervisor at the rehabilitation unit, hence taking charge of CNAââ¬â¢s and LVNs while at the same time coordinating with the interdisciplinary team in regard to therapies concerning the clients (Master of Science in Nursing, 2013). In 2008, she completed bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in nursing at Phoenix University. This was the opening of more exciting opportunities and challenging roles. Later, she was promoted to clinical nurse III, a positionshe held for seven years. B.A. was confirmed as a certified public health nurse in 2008. Since then, she has sought to impart her skills and knowledge to students (Summary Report for: Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary, 2013). She was then given the position of an instructor in LVN program. Reasons for Graduate Education B.A recalled that when she was still in school, she got scarlet fever and that there was a nice lady who visited and took good care of her. Another incident she recalled was when she lost her second pregnancy from abruption placentae. At this time, she was in denial and shock, but the nursing staff took extremely great care of her family. In B.Aââ¬â¢s family, she is the only one with a degree hence making it a major accomplishment (Master of Science in Nursing, 2013). Her bachelorââ¬â¢s degree in Nursing was mainly contributed by the passion she had in teaching. The completion of Nursing/MSN/Health Care Education at the University of Phoenix in 2011 after an intense twenty month period of being on campus, prepared her to function in higher leadership roles in both the educational and clinical setting. The curriculum was mainly based on critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and leadership development. The nursing courses were based on advanced nursing content and leadership skills. On the other hand, the health care education was focused on curriculum development, faculty role, instructional strategies, assessment and evaluation (Summary Report for: Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary, 2013). In this regard, the degree qualifies her to different titles as assistant professor and professor, nursing director, and other posts such as assistant director of nursing andà director of nursing. Present Position At present, B.A is the assistant director of nursing at a prestigious school of Nursing. In addition, she is training and expected to assume the role of nursing director this year. She is also teaching students critical thinking by stating that the provided information must be evidence-based so that the students can be well informed and act in a responsible manner (Master of Science in Nursing, 2013). Pearls of Wisdom B.A. has for the past been advising her fellow instructors and students to develop the spirit of perseverance and discipline. She says that a person must have a purpose in life and that it must come to pass in you do not allow distractions (Summary Report for: Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary, 2013). She also says that studying and researching is her motto for new knowledge and that every person should copy that motive. She adds that the more one knows, they more they would be able to interact with other people and clients. Conclusion In conclusion, in this paper, I interviewed an MSN graduate and the assistant director in our school of Nursing. Through her knowledge, she has been able to sharpen her skills and changed her attitudes into a more human minded perspective. Her education as a graduate helped her in her leadership skills, nursing educator, curriculum expert and corporate team player. This interview had a strong positive impact in my life since I learned several lessons. Some of the virtues I learned are determination; hard work and discipline are key elements for any individualââ¬â¢s success. In addition, we share the same belief of obtaining a graduate education in order to advance in my career and better the lives of others. References Master of Science in Nursing. (2013). Master of Science in Nursing Program Description. Arizona, United States of America: Grand Canyon University Master of Science in Nursing. (2013). Retrieved from University of Phoenix: Summary Report for:Nursing Instructors and Teachers,
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Paracrisis Essay
Communication is faster than ever due to the advent of the Internet and social media which are venues for forum, interaction and information/issue dissemination, Today, nearly half a billion people around the world utilize the Internet. In the United States alone, about 155 million Americans access the Internet at home, with some citizens accessing the Internet only at work. Internet use by consumers in other countries, especially Japan (49 million users), the United Kingdom (29 million), Germany (36 million), Brazil (25 million) and France (31 million), has escalated rapidly. (Ferrell, Thorne, & Ferrell, 2012). The increasing number of Internet users warrant firmsââ¬â¢ closer attention to and effective management of paracrises. In particular, Nestleââ¬â¢s case in 2010 exemplifies the need to respond pro-actively to social media attack initiated by Greenpeace rather than by not acknowledging the challenge or fighting back against the challenge. If not properly and timely addres sed, this may result to a web of chaos for Nestle. Greenpeace is a global campaigning organisation that enhances to change attitudes and behaviour of people in order to protect and conserve the environment. (About Greenpeace, n.d.) The reputational threat instigated by Greenpeace stemmed from Nestleââ¬â¢s weak stakeholder/customer relations which is a factor in selling products/services, one of the seven basic functions of marketing. Though it is true that supplier contracts including one with Sinar Mas Group should have been reviewed at the onset to check if these are aligned to the companyââ¬â¢s social responsibility mandate, the paracrisis could have been immediately addressed should management responded to every single complaint in its social media. Based on my analysis, in general, Nestleââ¬â¢s performance in individual functional areas of business is strong. Financial performance is outstanding as group sales and earnings before income tax (EBIT) per its 2010 Annual Report are increasing from CHF 107,618 million to CHF 109,722 million and CHF 15,699 million to CHF 16,194 million in 2009 to 2010. It was also able to manage companyââ¬â¢s debt as net financial debt was reduced to CHF 18,085 milli on to CHF 3,854 million which now only comprised 6.2 percent of equity from the staggering 37 percent in 2009. On the marketing side, Nestle is a well-known brand allà over the world, in fact, number 1 in the food industry offering diverse products. Other functional areas of Nestle including operations, research and development, information systems per my research and analysis, are performing effectively. On the external factor aspect, based on my analysis, firmââ¬â¢s strategies take advantage of the existing opportunities and minimize potential adverse effects of threats. First, food (and beverage) industry is observed to be resilient vis-à -vis other industries during and immediately after the global economic crisis in 2008. The economic value has had an opposite impact on food and beverage industry. The major concern of these industries is increasing transportation costs for which people have to spend. Nevertheless, the food and beverage industry has been relatively less affected when compared to other industries. This is mainly attributed to the fact that food products continue to be essential to consumers in spite of the slowdown. A comparison between the S&P 500 and the Dow Jones US Food and Beverage Index in 2008 is testimony to the resilient nature of this industry. In 2008, the S&P 500 declined 37.6 percent against a fall of 22.9 percent by the Dow Jones US Food and Beve rage Index. (IMAP, 2010). Second, people are becoming more health-conscious and are now demanding nutritious products in which Nestle has the capability to produce. Companyââ¬â¢s response to these major opportunities is superior. However, reputational attack initiated by Greenpeace could damage Nestleââ¬â¢s franchise value and could result in loss of business and consumer trust. Though Nestle could have adopted the following mutually exclusive strategies to respond to paracrisis ââ¬â repentance, refutation and refusal, it is apparent that repentance, a reform strategy will create a harmonious relationship with its stakeholders, hence, the best or the only feasible paracrisis strategy response. Damage to franchise value caused by increasing trajectory of the paracrisis outweighs the cost of changing organizational practices (change supplier) to reflect the demands of Greenpeace. The combined effect of the voices not only from Greenpeace but also from specialist media and mainstream media and commentary on multiple blogs will be damaged reputation and loss of business. Adopting the refutation and refusal strategies will only create organizational hiatus and worst, crisis. Now that repentance is deemed most feasible, the following independent courses of actions could be employed by the crisis management team at theà point of view of marketing communicatio ns and public relations: 1. Filter pressing and critical issues for appropriate action of Board of Directors and/or Senior Management while attending to minor issues; 2. Resolve all issues ââ¬â critical or not at their level and respond to these issues through social media in an appropriate and timely fashion; 3. Respond only to issues deemed critical. The first alternative course of action is deemed most feasible. Critical issues could be discussed at the top level of the organization giving the Board and Senior Management the opportunity to carefully review them and adjust company strategies, if necessary. Board and Senior Management sets the tone at the top and has the ultimate responsibility in running the business, hence, they should be fully aware of these critical issues. The crisis management team, on the other hand, should timely and appropriately respond to all issues ââ¬â critical or not, with an end of assuring its stakeholders that these issues are being resolve d by the company. Minor issues can then be resolved at their level. The public should be made aware, implied or expressed, that the company is taking actions and is responsive to customer/stakeholdersââ¬â¢ concerns. My recommendation to address the companyââ¬â¢s central problem as mentioned in the above paragraph should be complemented by medium to long-term action plans which includes strengthening its stakeholder relations program; and annual or periodic review of companyââ¬â¢s adherence to its mission and vision statements, strategies and business principles. First, stakeholder relations program should be strengthened by keeping community relations at the highest level, improving the customer climate, and maintaining good public image. The ââ¬Å"Be redundant and sprawlâ⬠rule is highly applicable to prevent a crisis from happening in this particular case of Nestle. Posting articles on its commitment to social responsibility on different sites including its own website will help the company to vindicate itself from any gross reputati onal attack. Nestle should as well develop a comprehensive and effective communication and marketing strategy. Second, conducting an annual or periodic review of companyââ¬â¢s adherence to its mission and vision statements, strategies and business principles will save the company from dealings that may taint companyââ¬â¢s reputation. Nestle is committed to its business principles in all countries, taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practices which include supplier and customerà relations. Nestle require its suppliers, agents, subcontractors and their employees to demonstrate honesty, integrity and fairness and to adhere to its non-negotiable standards. In the same way, Nestle is committed towards its own customers. (Nestleââ¬â¢s Corporate Business Principles, n.d.). These business principles, more particularly supplier and customer relations, should be reviewed not only on first dealings but on a continuous basis. Nestleââ¬â¢s objective is to be the recognized leader in nutrition, health and wellness and the industry reference for financial performance. (Nestle Annual Report, 2010) Remaining at the number 1 spot in the food industry busily catering to customer orders and demands while projecting mounting sales and profits could have prevented Nestle from responding to social media campaigns against irresponsible sourcing of palm oil. Apparently, Nestle failed to live by its dogma of social responsibility. Notwithstanding its desire to be viewed as socially responsible, it was not the actual picture then. Nestle was callous to peopleââ¬â¢s call for reform until it grew and became a sensation. Nestle should have an effective management team to manage paracrises or reputational threats. Everything seems so stable in an organization like Nestl e, but its management should not discount the fact the power of its stakeholders to cause reputational threat. Bibliography (2010). Nestle Annual Report. Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D. M., & Ferrell, L. (2012). Social Responsibility and Business. Singapore: Cengage Learning. IMAP. (2010). Food and Beverage Industry Global Report. About Greenpeace. (n.d.). Retrieved from Greenpeace International: Nestleââ¬â¢s Corporate Business Principles. (n.d.). Retrieved from Nestle:
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Pornography is it right Essay - 2384 Words
Executive Summary This report challenges the question of whether pornography is morally ethical or unethical and how society views it today. There were three key ethical theories used to related and cross-examine to see and understand the different views of pornography and how each ethical theory provides a different reasoning behind it. Whether pornography is ethical or unethical in society, this research paper provides you with concrete examples of why our society feels the way they do about pornography and what has influenced those decisions. Pornography can be depicted into so many different forms of sexual arousal and this is the basis for examining what is right or wrong within our society. There are many different factorsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦There are over 2 million websites floating around the internet that everyone around the world has complete access to. ââ¬Å"Pornography is now the most popular internet destination for American men aged eighteen to thirty four. It is 50 percent m ore popular than music sites or eBay and four times more popular than travel services such as hotel and airline reservationsâ⬠. (Lehman, 2006) Pornography and Ethical Theories What exactly defines pornographic material as being ethical or unethical? There are many different views on how pornography has affected society both good and bad. Some feel as though porn is the cause of sex crimes, while others view it as simply a normal natural thing to do. As we look more in depth at the ethical theories, we can see how they provide a reasonable stance on what makes porn ethical or unethical and why. There are three main theories that are going to discussed and related throughout this paper, which will provide an in-depth look at how the pornography is views in our society today. These include utilitarian theory, divine command theory, and the Kantian deontological principle. Utilitarian Theory Utilitarianism is the ethical theory based on the fact that ethical behaviour creates the greatest amount of happiness possible with the least amount of pain or suffering. When analyzing this theory in relation to porn, weShow MoreRelatedpornography right or wronga Essay1128 Words à |à 5 Pages Pornography is one of the most controversy problems that humanity faces daily. It has materialized as a somber threat to the dignity of human sexuality and its deific purpose, perplexing the very nature of man and woman and signifying the falsification of mind in the existing age today. It has infested the purity and pureness of sex promoted dilapidation of humanity and advanced the marketization of sex, among other things. As a controversy problem, the issue of pornography requiresRead MoreEssay on Pornography and Feminist Fight for Womenââ¬â¢s Rights1340 Words à |à 6 PagesPornography and Feminist Fight for Womenââ¬â¢s Rights There was a complaint in 1992 about having The Nude Maja in a classroom. The complaint came from a feminist English professor who stated that the painting made her students, as well as herself, uncomfortable. Another incident occurred at the University of Arizona when a female studentââ¬â¢s photographic artwork consisting of self portraits in her underwear was physically attacked by feminists. There was also an occurrence at University of MichiganRead MoreThe Censorship of Pornography1581 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿ Censorship of Pornography: Censorship is vital and takes place on a daily basis in the modern society even in nations that state their respect and maintenance of the freedom of speech. For instance, there are several regulations that restrict broadcasters in the kind of programmes to be transmitted as specific times of the day. The other ways with which censorship happens every day is through the laws that forbid people from expressing themselves publicly toward particular political or ethnicRead More Catharine MacKinnons Book Feminism Unmodified Essay1303 Words à |à 6 Pagesgender inequality in America. She claims that pornography defines the way in which Americaââ¬â¢s patriarchal society perpetuates male dominance, and attacks traditional liberal methods that defend pornography on the basis of the first amendmentââ¬â¢s right to free speech. According to MacKinnon, pornography is not an example of speech but rather an act. She proposes that this act discriminates against women as a class, and theref ore violates their civil rights and should be outlawed. MacKinnonââ¬â¢s critics mayRead MoreViolent Pornography Is An Example Of Illegal Pornography942 Words à |à 4 Pages There are three types of pornography. There is soft core, hardcore and illegal. Violent pornography is an example of illegal pornography. Violent pornography is defined as sexually explicit material that contains consensual, coercive and violent sexual actions portrayed by men and women. It is morally right for people to sell and use violent and degrading pornography. People should be able to allowed to view violent pornography in privately. It is not affecting other people if the person prefersRead More Pornography Causes Desensitization, Aggression, and Alienation1265 Words à |à 6 PagesPornography Causes Desensitization, Aggression, and Alienation A pair of long luscious, shapely legs extend upward until they join in perfect harmony. Colorful panties cover what seem to be the smallest area possible as a slim torso with shapely breasts and a slender neck lead to a perfect face. There she is, the perfect woman, the perfect picture of lust. Yet, she is only a picture, but what unbelievable power she possesses. Any man who looks her way will question his desires and himself.Read MoreThe Positive Benefits Of Pornography1051 Words à |à 5 Pagesseemingly main reason there is such a growth in pornography is because almost everyone and everything in the world reacts and relates to sex. People are captivated with sex and are excited to see something new or something they have not seen before. People are always looking for a version of sex that is new or more different than the norm. This is soaring the pornography industry to grow one step further in order to keep up with the demand. Furthermore, pornography materials are available in many ways andRead More The Legality of Child Pornography Essays1097 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Legality of Child Pornography Child pornography is an ongoing issue as technology progresses in todayââ¬â¢s world. Now there are ways to produce child pornography without actually using a real child. While there are acts and laws to protect the children, there are still many unsatisfied people on each side of the issue. There are people who believe the adult entertainment companies, who produce the child pornography; they believe that their First Amendment rights are being violated withRead MorePornography Essay1353 Words à |à 6 Pageshomes with so few restrictionsâ⬠(qtd in ââ¬Å"Pornography and Child Sexual Abuseâ⬠). The problem addressed in the quote by the U.S. Department of Justice is pornography, a 10 billion dollar industry, has made its way from discreet taboo to something that is today considered acceptable and even common. With the internet being such a common tool, it is no surprise that there is easy access to sexually explicit material. The widespread accessibility and usage of po rnography has changed peopleââ¬â¢s outlook on theRead MoreThe Ethical And Morality Of Pornography916 Words à |à 4 PagesFor many years there has been a lot of arguments about the ethical and morality of pornography. pornography is defined as the depiction of erotic behavior intended to cause sexual excitement. When it coms down to pornography, people have different opinions about it. Some people might find it moral because it gives them pleasure and it satisfies them physically. some individuals see it as a form of art that describes the figure of a human body in an artistic form. Others see it as immoral because
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